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Liberian Community Association of Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex


P. O. BOX 300133, ARLINGTON, TX 76007, TEL #: 817-681- 4882, WWW.LCADFWMETRO.ORG

Ref: LCA-DFW Restructuring

Date:  October 5, 2015


In continuation of the restructuring process, the executive committee of the Liberian Community of Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex (LCA-DFW) is soliciting the names of volunteers willing to be involved in the running of the association to serve on the board and the various committees. All interested person should please email or text your name and area of interest to the following persons:

Louie T. McClain: – 817-938-8202 / Elizabeth Tubman – – 817 - 449-9353

Below are Summary of duties / functions of the standing committees: All Standing Committees shall report at the regular monthly meeting.


  • The Finance Committee – The purpose of the LCA-DFW Finance Committee is to assume total responsibility for the finances of the organization. This shall include developing and monitoring the organization budget/ financial recording and reporting, disbursement, investment planning, and auditing of records.

The LCA-DFW Finance Committee shall consist of at least five persons including Treasurer as chairman, financial secretary, member for budget, member for audit, Member for Ways & Means. This committee will meet quarterly or as necessary to fulfill the statement of purpose.

The Finance Committee will review planned spending and monitor actual expenditures for any project directed by the Executive committee. The Committee will recommend options for financial matters related to the function, management, enhancement and maintenance for the services and/or facilities of the Community Association, for the best use and enjoyment of the association members. The Committee will analyze actual and planned expenditures and identify economic implications and financial options for use by the Executive Committee in making decisions. All Committee recommendations are subject to approval by the Executive Committee of LCA-DFW. In short, these will be the basic responsibilities of the LCA-DFW Finance Committee:

  • Review revenues and expenses at a monthly Committee meeting.

  • Ensure that organizational funds are spent appropriately.

  • Develop an investment strategy.

  • Ensure the preparation of an annual audit, tax form (990), and audited Financial Statements.

In order to fulfill these goals and maintain transparency through a system of control (segregation of duties), the following sub-committees will be established:


  • Internal Audit sub –Committee – a team of Financial Committee members that that will examine the books, vouchers and all financial records of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary of the Association and make a detailed report on a quarterly basis.

Said report shall be presented in a regular meeting as follows: March, June, September and December. This report shall include the examination and audit of all bills, accounts and claims that may be presented to the Association; said report to be in writing. No account shall be accepted by the Association until it has been examined and reported thereon by the Audit Committee. The Chair of this sub-committee shall have adequate training and experience in Accounting and Auditing.  All Final Reports of the Audit sub-committee shall be sent to the president and a copy cc to the board of advisors. *** In keeping with the constitution, whenever the General Assembly deems it necessary for an external audit, the General Assembly will seek the services of an external auditor (auditing firm).


  • Budget sub Committee - a team of Financial Committee members that will put together a working budget for the organization that will help the association prioritizes its many endeavors. In addition to preparing the association operational budget, this committee is charged with the responsibility to review all LCA-DFW sponsored events budgets from various committees and make necessary recommendations / revision where applicable.


  • Cash Management Sub-Committee – a team of finance Committee who will be charged with the responsibility of collecting and recording of funds for the association.


  • Financial Reporting Sub-Committee - a team of the finance committee that will be responsible for the preparation of monthly and annual financial statements.


  • The Charity / Benevolence Committee - shall discuss and recommend charitable bequest of the Association to the president for appropriate action. This committee will address happenings and mishaps in the community, be it tragic or fun.


  • The Elections Commission - shall be in charge of all general elections protocols and shall plan and conduct elections in keeping with the By-Laws and Constitution of LCA-DFW / DFW.


  • The membership Committee - shall be in charge of recruiting new members, maintaining membership database, conduct periodic membership drive, arrange and introduce new members.

  • Field Operations Sub-Committee – Instead of only waiting to recruit at event, this team of the membership committee will embark on visitation to various cities / church to carry on recruitment.

  • Outreach Sub-Committee -  this sub-committee will focus on membership retention by keeping in touch with registered members and non-registered members in the Metroplex through phone calls, visitation, etc.

  • Collections Sub-Committee – will work in collaboration with the Finance committee to strategize means of increasing members’ cash contributions to the organization through the payment of monthly dues and other voluntary donations.

  • Database Management Sub-Committee – to ensure proper recording and management of members’ data.


  • The Sports and Recreation Committee - shall be in charge of organizing and coordinating all sporting activities of LCA-DFW. Areas of sporting are: Soccer, Basketball, Kickball, Track and Field, Walking, etc. The sporting activities may be among LCA-DFWDFW teams or other community teams.


  • Ways and Means and Program Committee - shall be in charge of finding ways for LCA-DFW to raise funds; plan all LCA-DFW programs including leadership installation; and coordinate other activities directed by the President. This committee will be responsible for coming up with attractive but realistic activities to raise funds.

  • Sub-committee on Program – shall plan all LCA-DFW programs including leadership installation; and coordinate other activities directed by the President. This committee will be responsible for coming up with attractive but realistic activities to raise funds.


  • Sub-Committee on Ways & Means - shall be in charge of finding ways for LCA-DFW to raise funds apart from the holding of regular events.


  • Web Management and Communications Committee (Secretariat) – This committee shall be responsible for the dissemination of LCA-DFW news. It shall also shall plan, design, maintain and manage the LCA-DFW Website, Facebook page and internet radio.

  • Sub-committee on Website and Social Media- this sub-committee will be headed by a webmaster. The webmaster shall post all LCA-DFW photo-up activities and news on the web.

  • Sub-Committee on Documents / Retention – The team shall assist the Secretary, who is the chief custodian of all official records and seal of the Association. In the absence of the Secretary, a designated member of this sub-committee shall be present at all called as well as regular meetings and record all proceedings of such meetings of the Association and shall read same at regular meetings for possible corrections and adoption.

Sub-committee on Correspondences - this team, under the supervision of the Secretary shall be responsible for all internal and external official correspondences.


  • Building Committee – this team is charged with the responsibilities of exploring all possible means by which the association can acquire properties for events, office space and other LCA-DFW planned projects.


  • Constitution Review Committee – this committee is charged with the responsibilities of reviewing the current LCA-DFW constitution and make necessary recommendations to the President for onward submission to General Assembly for deliberation and amendments if necessary.


  • Immigration, Legal Aid and Group Insurance – this committee is responsible for assisting community members with immigration and other legal issues where necessary. It will also be charged with the responsibility of exploring means by which the association can acquire Group Insurance for its membership. This committee is challenged to keep up with latest information affecting changes in immigration issues.


  • The Community Relations Committee – this committee shall serve as an advocate arm of LCA/DFW to build and maintain relations amongst LCA and other organizations in the community, in the southern region, and nationally.

  • Sub-committee on Local organizations – will serve a liaison between LCA-DFW leadership and other local organizations in the Metroplex.

  • Sub-committee on National & international organizations - will serve a liaison between LCA-DFW leadership and other local organizations outside of the DFW Metroplex such as COLOSUS, ULAA, Government of Liberia (GOL) and other Liberian Community organizations.


  • Sub-Committee on Health Matters – In Collaboration with the Liberian Nurses Association (LNA) of DFW, this sub – committee will formulate policies to assist in keeping our members healthy and well informed on preventive measure and Health Maintenance. It will work with LNA-DFW to plan health fairs / symposiums for our community. Depending on how successful we are, it could be extended to Liberia.

  • Sub-Committee on Business Empowerment – this committee will strategize means of encouraging and empowering Liberians in the Metroplex to venture into Business. It will facilitate the hosting of financial planning & Investment workshops for members as well as the holding of Small Business Seminars to strengthen current Liberian entrepreneurs while at the same time encouraging other Community members to venture into entrepreneurship.

The LCA is committed to promoting economic development and empowerment within the Liberian Community.  There will be a focus on Liberian Owned Businesses and the financial stability thereof.

Liberian-Owned Businesses The objective of our Liberian-Owned Business focus is to build capacity of Black-Owned Businesses, heighten business visibility, establish business scale and increase successful business start-ups, while changing community mindsets to support Liberian-Owned Businesses.

Financial Capability and Stability The objective of our Financial Capability and Stability focus is to increase the number of financially stable Liberian households in DFW through providing financial education courses that address specific needs and increasing visibility of service providers and the resources available to our community


  • Sub-Committee on Senior Citizens - The sub- Committee seeks to promote the involvement of senior citizens in community affairs and provides input regarding a variety of programs for the benefit of senior citizens. This sub-committee will study, review, evaluate and makes recommendations to the LCA-DFW leadership on any matters affecting elderly people in the Metroplex


  • Youth and Young Adult Committee - the main purpose of this committee is to get the youths of our community involved as much as possible. This committee will be expected to initiate developmental programs to benefit our youths, including career development and tutoring. It is envisaged that the Youth & and young Adult Committee will:

  • Support all LCA activities

  • Work with the Membership Committee to stimulate interest through advocacy training and solicit memberships of 21-40 years of age.

  • Establish and maintain a mentorship program to serve as a support bridge from Youth and College to Branch participation

  • Provide networking and social opportunities for young adults within the LCA and other community organizations.

  • Encourage the participation of young adults in all activities and leadership within the Branch

  • Have at least one community showcase each year.

Nomination of candidates to serve as Board of Directors

Finally, the LCA-DFWDFW board of directors is being reconstituted. If you are interested in serving on the board or know anyone that you want to recommend to serve on the board please forward the name(s) to Dr. John S. David, Chairman of LCA-DFW Elections Commission ( or 682-551-4629 by October 31, 2015. A date for the election of board members by the General Assembly at the regular monthly meeting will be announced soon by the Elections commissions.

In keeping with Article XI of the LCA-DFW Constitution, The Board of Directors shall be the advisory, internal and external conflict resolution arm of the association. All conflicts or disciplinary issues which the administration cannot resolve shall be deferred to the Board of Directors for resolution.


You can read about the various committees below, or you can click the MS Word icon on the right to download the original document.

Click to Download

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